Dieting Without Sacrifice

Dieting Without Sacrifice

If I say that it is possible to lose weight without losing interest in food………

Many people think that dieting is some sort of punishment for them, for not having the perfect body. Frankly speaking, even, I was a part of that community but now when I have started focus on my health, I came across my articles and meet experts to know their views. But to little knowledge which is dangerous, people believe that enjoying food is somehow bad for them. Which is not true at all. 
If you will be completely honest with yourself when it comes to dieting, it isn’t about giving up food or flavour; it’s about discovering new foods and flavours. At least that is what it is for those who truly love food as well as adventure. There are many spices that can help to make even more blandest of foods a little exciting. That you will learn in my upcoming channel on Youtube Learn N Cook.

For Vegetarian; Panner, Soya bean, wheat bran & Oats are a popular diet & For Non-Vegetarian Fish and chicken are popular diet foods because they are lean meats. However, adding a little blackening seasoning is a great way to put a little punch in your meal that will make it taste great without packing on the calories of dressing marinades or soaking in butter before broiling. You do not have to stop there. Italian seasoning can also add a little flavour to your kitchen without adding the extra calories that you are working so hard to avoid.  
There are all kinds of seasonings that will work well in this instance. There are many great seasonings that increase the flavour of your food whether it is non-vegetarian or vegetarian. For Non-Vegetarian, If you will add salad & green vegetables to your chicken, it will be healthier lunches or salad wraps. Grains are good for you when you concentrate on whole grains. They are quite often the primary source of fibre in a diet and you need fibre almost as much as you need water. At any rate, simple things that spice up the same old lunch can have a huge impact on your enjoyment of food.

You can even enjoy the occasional treat when dieting as long as you do so sparingly. You can keep a cheat day in your dieting. You can find all kinds of low sugar or low carb desserts on the market that you can enjoy sparingly. You can even find sugar-free or low-calorie candy in some cases though you should keep in mind that calories, particularly when it comes to candy you eat unconsciously add up quickly and you must pay close attention to those things you put into your mouth.

I just want to put my point that you do not need to sacrifice flavour in order to diet. You can live without butter; there are many substitutions on the market that are quite remarkable. But seasonings are a great way to add a lot of flavour for a tiny bit of effort on your part. Desserts are also great and you can find many dips and sauces that can be made with fat-free or low-fat mayonnaise or sour cream in order to cut a few more calories during your dieting process. 

These dips and sauces can often make a great taste & substitute, when it is paired with vegetables, for those chips and dips we love so much and often miss when dieting. Cucumbers, green, red, and yellow peppers, broccoli, and carrot sticks all have a nice little crunch to them that when combined with a good low-fat dip can help cure the craving beast for greasy chips that often rears its head when dieting. You should try to eat maximum green vegetables, high protein foods. Drink Maximum water. morning walk & a little bit of exercise & yoga to digest the food you eat.

If you calculate & keep eye on your calories carefully during meals so that you can indulge on occasion in those treats that you love most without sacrificing all your dieting efforts in the process. We all want to get the benefits of losing weight in a simple way. However, having something like having low-calorie snacks which are readily available in markets. You can definitely find the difference between the old way of dieting and the new way of dieting without sacrificing flavour.

Follow my id: kapilmishra78 on all social media account. 


  1. Taking diet food along with exercise will definitely help you out to loose weight


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