
Showing posts from July, 2021

Earn in Dollars from India

Earn Online in Dollars is a Scam During I had an experience many things among which there was a scam related to online earning in dollars. On social media platforms, you will find many lucrative add's which will show you the method of earning in DOLLAR by seeing add's and doing paid surveys. But guys believe me they all are fraud, I will share you personal experience There are over 500 online companies offering money for people who want to work from home doing surveys and earn a full-time income. Beware of such sites that promise you riches for nothing; they’re a scam. While some legitimate sites pay a few dollars to take a ten-minute survey, others are not legitimate. Many of these sites simply exist to gather your personal information and sell it to telemarketing companies. A few of them are downright scams that require a “sign-up” fee in exchange for the privilege of working from home. One of the sites I’ve seen across is This site not only offers you “up t


GESU MALHOTRA A GIRL WITH A MILLION DOLAR SMILE IS NO MORE Old mentality that a boy & a girl cannot be friends but I have many friends among them few are girls and they are well settled in their life but they can do anything for friendship. I had a friend whom I have lost recently. Gesu I am sorry, I was not there when you were fighting alone with covid 19.  Around the corner, I had a friend Ms Gesu Malhotra. In this great city New Delhi, that has no end, Yet the days go by and weeks rush on, And before I know it, a year is gone. And I never see my old friends face, For life is a swift and terrible race, she knows in our company she is one of my best friends just as well, As in the days when we are just a phone ring away.  when we were new organisation we used to talk like as if know each other from ages, And now we move on to a different company we became so busy that we don't even get time to message each other,  Tired of playing a foolish game of life, Tired of trying to mak

I want to die because of my first love ….

Reduce Weight by Natural Ways There is always a motivation or inspiration to write any article. Since I have been a part of the obesity community I always want to look handsome & attractive so that I can be the centre of attraction among girls. My motivation is my daughter as she is so beautiful that sometimes people ask me that is she, my daughter. But she never complains to me about my obesity she says I look like a teddy. I have tried many things and spend a lack of rupees on my obesity but didn't succeed. Because of overweight many times,  I got a negative feeling about finishing my life. Actually speaking, you lose your confidence.   Finally, because of my limited source of income, I have given up. Guys, you don't know my father is a famous Ayurvedic & NaturaoPathy Vaidya. " He is known as a Hindustani Vaidya JI.  He told me several ways but I don't want to quit eating because eating tasty & yummy food is my first and last love.  It was all memories bu

How to crack interviews

How to crack Job Interviews Based on my experience, I have worked with all most leading MNC national & international both. Actually, you say giving interviews is one of my hobbies when I was young. Just for the sake of enjoyment, I have given many interviews. In fact, I go for interviews as if I am going to see a girl for marriage. Use to wear my favourite colour clothes that are blue pants & white shirts. Clean Shave & small hair, even I use to cut my nails. I still remember those days of my life. Most applicants fail in Interviews because they lack confidence in themselves. A job interview should never be treated or compared to an interrogation. This wrong notion of what an interview should be actually added to the fear mounting inside. This fear usually hinders you from effectively expressing yourself during interviews and worst, too much fear may cause some applicants to blank out during the interview. A good way to prepare for a job interview is to research about the

Money cannot buy everything.

Money cannot buy everything. During this COVID – 19, I would like to share the chain of the incident which made me realise to think that money cannot buy everything. There is a famous Bollywood dialogue that money is not God but it is not less than God. Do you agree or don’t agree please mentioned your personal view in the comment box? My wife ex-teacher “Teoler High School” Jaipur received a call from the school Authority to join the school again as there was a vacancy. We discussed a lot and arrived at the conclusion that shifting to Jaipur from Goa is a better option. Studies at Teoler were amazing and my children want to go back. My old aged father has already booked his tickets as he was willing to stay in Jaipur instead of Goa. I thought at this age we cannot leave him alone so we have finally decided that my wife and children will also move to Jaipur along with him. I remember the date that is 21st March 2020 just a day before lockdown. All of a sudden we came to know about Covi

Do you know your purpose in life

Do you know your Goal?  I am writing this article about my recent experience. Let me tell you one thing very frankly that even I was not aware of my goals. Even I have never thought of prioritising my goals.  Please tell me frankly have you thought about it.  We all are just running after money without knowing our goal and the way to achieve it.  Recently one day, my ex-boss approach me and discussed with me the business opportunity. Before sharing an e-commerce business plan he has given me a task and asked me to write down my goals, he also asks me to write down the ways to achieve those goals.  I have never thought about it.  The question sounds very easy but frankly speaking it was the toughest question of my life; he asked me to write down my goal?  In other words, what I want to achieve in my life and in continuing to that he told me to write my goal and required money to achieve it and the target date to achieve the same. I know people will not believe me that I made a plan of