How to crack interviews

How to crack Job Interviews

Based on my experience, I have worked with all most leading MNC national & international both. Actually, you say giving interviews is one of my hobbies when I was young. Just for the sake of enjoyment, I have given many interviews. In fact, I go for interviews as if I am going to see a girl for marriage. Use to wear my favourite colour clothes that are blue pants & white shirts. Clean Shave & small hair, even I use to cut my nails. I still remember those days of my life.

Most applicants fail in Interviews because they lack confidence in themselves. A job interview should never be treated or compared to an interrogation. This wrong notion of what an interview should be actually added to the fear mounting inside. This fear usually hinders you from effectively expressing yourself during interviews and worst, too much fear may cause some applicants to blank out during the interview.

A good way to prepare for a job interview is to research about the company; practice answering the most commonly asked interview questions, and then gather information about the employer. This will provide you with helpful information for the interview and boost your confidence knowing that you are well prepared to answer any questions during your job interview.
Aside from conducting researches and familiarizing yourself with various questions for the job interview, there are still some things you need to know to ensure that you get the job you want.

Present the best and most sellable side of your personality

This can be achieved only if you possess confidence in yourself. You must trust your own abilities and believe that you have the qualifications required for the job that you are applying for. Self-confidence will help you feel at ease during your job interview.

Learn the different types of questions to sell yourself effectively

A job interview is all about questions. There are various types of questions used, for instance, questions that probe, questions that put you on the spot and questions that you may find hard to answer. You must know how to easily recognize questions so that you will be prepared on how to effectively answer those questions.

Prepare question topics in advance

Nothing beats preparedness especially referring to job interviews. Since a job interview is all about questions, prepare in advance and practise answering some of the commonly asked questions your potential employer may ask. Practice makes perfect, and doing this will help get you accustomed to the questions thus boosting your confidence during your actual job interview.

Improve your personal grooming

Image and appearance are really important especially during actual job interviews. Your image and appearance talk so much about the type of person you are. Likewise, it is important to properly choose the clothes you are to wear during your job interview since your clothes reflect just how much you value yourself.

Give a polished interview performance

Try to remember interview dos and don’ts to avoid mistakes and help swing the interview in your favour.

Carefully assess the job offer

It is also important for you to carefully assess the job offer. Determine whether the job is really the type you want and never be afraid to ask questions. Since it is only through asking that you will be able to know how solid the job offer really is.

Communicate and build rapport with the interviewer

You can achieve this by being an active interviewee, meaning be enthusiastic in answering questions. Show them that you are really interested in getting the job. Develop rapport with the interviewer this will help in ridding you of some of your fears and will provide you with more confidence.

So guys all the best for your interview.

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