I want to die because of my first love ….

Reduce Weight by Natural Ways

There is always a motivation or inspiration to write any article. Since I have been a part of the obesity community I always want to look handsome & attractive so that I can be the centre of attraction among girls. My motivation is my daughter as she is so beautiful that sometimes people ask me that is she, my daughter. But she never complains to me about my obesity she says I look like a teddy.

I have tried many things and spend a lack of rupees on my obesity but didn't succeed. Because of overweight many times,  I got a negative feeling about finishing my life. Actually speaking, you lose your confidence.

Finally, because of my limited source of income, I have given up. Guys, you don't know my father is a famous Ayurvedic & NaturaoPathy Vaidya. " He is known as a Hindustani Vaidya JI. He told me several ways but I don't want to quit eating because eating tasty & yummy food is my first and last love. 

It was all memories but finally, I found a way to reduce weight by natural ways which I would like to share with you.

Reduce Weight by Natural Ways

Before we fight obesity we need to under what is obesity, Obesity or overweight is a condition characterized by excessive deposition or storage of fat in adipose tissues. Over the years it has been a common problem all over the world.
According to Hindustani Vaidhya Ji, Ayurveda describes eight types of bodies, which are considered bad. Out of the eight, the two widely explained are very thin bodies and very fat bodies. It has been proved that out of these two those who are very fat have most diseases and troubles. This is because the extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys, liver and the joints such as the hips, knees and ankles. Overweight persons are susceptible to several diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall bladder disorders. The main cause of obesity or over-weight is often overeating, irregular eating habits, and not following eating rules, including improper mixing of food items in one meal.

  • Fruits and green vegetables are low-calorie foods, so overweight persons should use these more frequently.
  • One should avoid intake of too much salt. Salt may be a factor in increasing body weight.
  • Milk products like cheese, butter should be avoided because these are rich in fat. Meat and non-vegetarian foods should also, be avoided.
  • Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for losing weight and can be used in several ways.
  • Rice and potato which contain a lot of carbohydrates should be avoided among cereals wheat is good. Wheat Bran & Oats can be used for daily eating.
  • Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and a bitter variety of drumsticks are useful for losing weight.
  • Taking honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body and puts it into circulation, which is utilized as energy for normal functions. One should start with a small quantity of about 10 GMs. or a tablespoonful to be taken with hot water. It is good to take it in the early morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added.
  • Fasting honey and lime juice are highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite. In this mode of treatment, one teaspoonful of fresh honey should be mixed with a juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water. It can be taken several times a day at regular intervals.
  • Cabbage is considered to be an effective remedy for losing weight. This vegetable inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. It can be taken raw or cooked.
  • Exercise is an important part of a weight-reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in the body as fat. In addition, it also relieves tension and tones up the muscles of the body. Walking is the best exercise, to begin with, and maybe followed by running, swimming, rowing.
  • Lime juice is excellent for weight reduction. Juice of lime mixed in a glass of warm water and sweetened with honey should be taken every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Measure the portions of your food every meal and make sure that the portions are small. For example, one portion of rice should not be more than the quantity which can fit in your fist. Smaller meals at a regular interval of 4 to 5 hours will keep your metabolism high and prevent your body from converting the food your intake into fat. You must also, include regular exercise in your daily routine to help enhance weight reduction.

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