Money cannot buy everything.

Money cannot buy everything.

During this COVID – 19, I would like to share the chain of the incident which made me realise to think that money cannot buy everything. There is a famous Bollywood dialogue that money is not God but it is not less than God. Do you agree or don’t agree please mentioned your personal view in the comment box?
My wife ex-teacher “Teoler High School” Jaipur received a call from the school Authority to join the school again as there was a vacancy. We discussed a lot and arrived at the conclusion that shifting to Jaipur from Goa is a better option. Studies at Teoler were amazing and my children want to go back.

My old aged father has already booked his tickets as he was willing to stay in Jaipur instead of Goa. I thought at this age we cannot leave him alone so we have finally decided that my wife and children will also move to Jaipur along with him. I remember the date that is 21st March 2020 just a day before lockdown.
All of a sudden we came to know about Covid 19 on television sets through our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. He declared lockdown in the entire nation.

Who knew? Covid 19 is a pandemic, and till-date we are not able to come out from this completely.

My children & family were missing me and even I was missing them. So, I decided to quit my job and join my family in Jaipur. Money plays a vital role in your life but believes me is also a universal truth that it cannot buy everything.

I am sure, there will be many people who read this article will think that I am mad. Quite frankly speaking I really do not care.

In this article, I write about what in my humble opinion are the most important things in life, health and happiness.
All that most of my friends talk about is money:
What car do you drive?
How much is your house worth?
How much do you earn?
How much did your suit cost?
Where are you going on holiday this year?

I find all of this very boring and think that they are rather sad. They seem to be in some sort of competition and they are basically obsessed with money.

For me, the two most important things in life are health and happiness. These are two things which money cannot buy. A few months ago, my dad was taken ill. He was in a really bad way his 70% of his lungs are damaged due to extensive smoking.

I was in Mumbai for a movie shoot of a movie as my friend owns a production house and he offered me to join him. So, I was there to help him with his dream project. I was there for a couple of months.

One day, I received a call from my friend and he told me that my wife has spoken to him and she talked about my father illness. So, he booked my tickets to fly back to Jaipur the very next morning to meet him.

His being ill was a huge shock to me as he was only sixty-five. I feared the worst, even though I was trying my hardest to think and stay positive. I remember thinking, if I gave those doctors everything I own in the world, it still would not help him. I felt powerless and at that moment realised that money is only paper. But God is great he gave strength to my dad so that he started recovering from that stage. So, from that day I feel spending time with your near and dear one is more important than money.

Happiness is the same, I remember at the age of twenty-eight having lots of money when I am working abroad and had been surprised that I was depressed at the same time. At other times I have had next to no money and have been extremely happy.

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